Town Talks
Occasional Sundays
4:30 pm - 6 pm
$5 General Admission
FREE for Current OVM Members
Buy your ticket at the door
Stay connected with the happenings at the Ojai Valley Museum through our ongoing series of moderated discussions with fascinating locals. Join us for our renowned Town Talks, where historians and authors share insights into Ojai's past, notable figures, and groundbreaking achievements. Take advantage of these enlightening and inspiring events. Follow our ongoing series to stay informed and be part of the cultural conversation. Experience the depth and diversity of Ojai at the Ojai Valley Museum.
Some of our Town Talks are taped and can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
In conjunction with the exhibition, Hands, Head, and Heart: Fiber Art of the Ojai Valley we have two Town Talks scheduled.
May 4, Dr. Jan Timbrook of the Santa Barbara Natural History Museum will present an illustrated talk on Chumash basketry.
On May 18 the topic of discussion is Science and Fiber. It will be jointly presented by Minga Opazo and Rosemary Holliday Hall. Both artists are included in the exhibition.
Past Town Talks:
October 2019 - Ojai Studio Artists
February, 2019 - St. Thomas Aquinas Church 100th Anniversary
December, 2018 - The Fire Next Time
September, 2018 - Neutra and Nature
Memberships Help Support Our Town Talks